Homo sapiens
Modern humans
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Information on the Internet
- The Genographic Project. A five-year effort to understand the human journey—where we came from and how we got to where we live today. This unprecedented effort will map humanity's genetic journey through the ages.
- Out of Africa. Advances in DNA sequencing give big boost to theory that humanity was born in Africa. NewScientist, December 2000.
- DNA's Evolutionary Dilemma. Genetic studies collide with the mystery of human evolution. ScienceNews Online, February 1999.
- 160,000-year-old fossilized skulls uncovered in Ethiopia are oldest anatomically modern humans. UC Berkeley Press Release.
- Behavioral and Biological Origins of Modern Humans. Online lecture by Richard G. Klein, Stanford University. Access Excellence and the California Academy of Sciences BioForum for high school biology teachers.
- Archaeology Magazine (Archaeological Institute of America):
- The Great DNA Hunt. Genetic archaeology zooms in on the origins of modern humans. 1996 Article by Tabitha M. Powledge and Mark Rose.
- The Great DNA Hunt, Part II: Colonizing the Americas.
- Getting to the New World. Distribution of Founding Lineage Haplotypes in Native Americans. The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.
- DNA & the Peopling of Siberia. Y Chromosome Variation in Native Human Populations of Siberia. Arctic Studies Center.
- Oldest human skulls found. BBC News
- The Leakey Foundation. A member supported organization committed to research related to human origins.
- Flints and Stones: Real Life in Prehistory. University of Newcastle upon Tyne Museum of Antiquities.
- National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
- Human Genome Project Information. U.S. Department of Energy.
- Human Genome Organisation (HUGO)
- The Genome Database. An international collaboration in support of the Human Genome Project.
- The Human Genome and what it means for science, medicine, and society. The Wellcome Trust.
- H-Invitational Database (H-InvDB). A human gene database, with annotated, full-length human complementary DNAs (cDNAs).
- UK Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre.
- International Communication Forum in Human Genetics. Bridging the gap between bioscience and medicine.
- Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man. National Center for Biotechnology Information.
- Race, Genes & Anthropology. Stanford University.
- The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies
- Bill Henderson's Links to Aboriginal Resources
- NativeWeb. Resources for Indigenous Cultures around the World.
- Anthropology in the News. Texas A&M University.
- Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body. Features 1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color—from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index with 13,000 entries ranging from the Antrum of Highmore to the Zonule of Zinn. Bartleby.com, Great Books Online.
- Anatomy for Beginners. A dissection by Dr. Gunther von Hagens and Professor John A. Lee. UK's Channel 4.
- Osteo Interactive. Human osteology, forensic anthropology, paleopathology, histology.
- Skeletal Gene Database. A multi-institute project aimed at understanding the functional genome of bone and other skeletal tissues.
- The Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo. A three-dimensional image reference of the Human Embryo based on magnetic resonance imaging.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Homo sapiens |
Location | England |
Comments | A European male. Charles Darwin at age 72 on the veranda at Down. |
Creator | Photograph by J. Kirschner |
Acknowledgements | Courtesy Department of Library Services American Museum of Natural History (Neg. No. 105168). |
Scientific Name | Homo sapiens |
Location | Xishuangbana, Yunnan Province, China |
Comments | Children of the Dai minority in a schoolyard |
Sex | Female |
Life Cycle Stage | children |
Copyright | © 1993 Ethan Michelson |
Scientific Name | Homo sapiens |
Location | Botswana |
Comments | Woman of the !Kung bushmen |
Copyright | © 1997 Rodney Barnett |
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